Friday, September 20

What is the monthly income of Dhruv Rathee from his YouTube channel?

Dhruv Rathee was born on 8 October 1994 and is a popular Indian Youtuber and social media activist. Dhruv Rathee Youtube Earnings have been gifted to him by the Indian audience along with the fame on Youtube. He got popular by publishing informational videos on Indian politics, mythology, businesses, cities, political leaders, bollywood and etc. His videos are on point and very educational as he communicates in Hindi and talks about what, who, where, how and when —  covering majorly all aspects of the topic. He got even more popular when he started to make Youtube videos on Indian politics. Dhruv Rathee is anti Modi government and openly talks about it. But whatsoever, he has got over 25 million subscribers including all his social media accounts and makes a lot of money from sponsorships, advertisements and Google Adsense program.


Dhruv Rathee Youtube Earning – What is the monthly income of Dhruv Rathee from his YouTube channel?


As per reports from Jagran – Dhruv Rathee total assets seem to be Rs. 27 crores (INR). Dhruv Rathee Youtube Earning is approximately Rs. 50 lakhs per month (INR) from Google Adsense. This amount does not include the money he charges from sponsorships and collaborations. It seems he is also involved with AAP (Aam Aadmi Party) and is in a financial collaboration with it. His recent campaigns against the Government of India are completely financed by AAP. In some of his videos, he has been seen talking rubbish about Narendra Modi quoting which person leaves his family for a country. Well, in our opinion, anyone and everyone has the right to do whatsoever he or she wishes to and if someone does not want to live a family life and devote themselves to their country, then why not? Dhruv Rathee is running a disgusting campaign against BJP where he is encouraging the youth of India to not vote for Modi government in Indian elections 2024 by bringing fake facts about the BJP.


Dhruv Rathee Youtube Earning as listed above (Rs. 50 lakhs) is a tentative figure and could be even more. His youtube channel has more than 20 million subscribers and over 617 videos that bring a major share of Dhruv Rathee Youtube Earnings.


Dhruv Rathee Youtube Earning Post
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