Friday, September 20

Delhi Pollution and Arvind Kejriwal together make a Good Curry

If you are reading this news article in the open, maybe we should warn you to instantly move indoors or at least wear a proper face mask because Delhi Pollution is killing and can be fatal to some. We are nearing the end of 2023 and also, Diwali is around the corner but this is not how one wondered to bid goodbye to 2023. Honestly, as we write this article, we are full of anger because of Mr. Arvind Kejriwal who appears to be the Chief Minister of Delhi. Or rather, we call him as the Acting Chief Minister.


Delhi’s AQI or Air Quality Index, as per Apple weather app is 500. Although, we personally believe it is somewhere around 680. There is a thick layer of smog covering the skies of Delhi and it is absolutely bizarre. Is this why Delhiites pay taxes to Aam Aadmi Party? Are we paying taxes to breathe death? One word for this shameful time and Arvind Kejriwal – Horrendous.


What we don’t understand is that Delhi government has constantly been making fake promises since 2014 to tackle Delhi pollution but as we sit in 2023, the situation has gone worse. Earlier, the Delhi government used to blame the paddy fires in Punjab but now, as we are aware, Punjab government is now too operated by Aam Aadmi Party or we may say, by Mr. Arvind Kejriwal. But yet, no solution yet.

3 Recommendations to Delhi Government to curb Delhi Pollution:


  1. Tackle law breaking Delhi kids burning fire crackers

We are aware that Supreme Court of India has banned polluting fire crackers not just in Delhi, but all over India but we aren’t blind and deaf. All over Delhi, we can see kids and several adults still burning fire crackers and there are simply no arrests. The police is not acting responsible to catch the law breakers who are simply acting immune to this hazardous Delhi air. We suggest Delhi government to take strict actions against citizens still burning fire crackers in and around Delhi.


2. Tackle Construction sites that are still operating

Construction too is still banned in Delhi but coming from our experience, we have noticed several sites within Delhi still running the construction jobs on full swing. What is the point of putting up a ban if there is no police to look for law breakers and punish them?


3. Use Technology in Punjab and Haryana to tackle Paddy Burning

It is surprising but the whole world is aware of the technology such as Seeder Machines that is used in farms as a replacement to burning paddy. Dear Mr. Arvind Kejriwal, please have a look at this link that guides on machinery to replace paddy burning.




Dear Delhi, these are tough times but may we ask you to think if this is the world we are going to gift to our children and families? If you think you are educated, may we request you to not behave like a maniac and follow the rules and not burn fire crackers at least if nothing else. Please note, since last evening, one of our writer’s fell terribly sick with a strong headache and constant cough – which of course we believe is due to Delhi Pollution.

As we said Delhi Pollution and Arvind Kejriwal together make a good curry – but we do not need this polluted curry. We beg your pardon and request Delhi government to do something about it.