Friday, September 20

5 Reasons why BJP will not win Election 2024 with a bang they could have

BJP will not win election 2024 as powerfully as they could have initially but the party and Narendra Modi seem to have gone too over-confident with their party and how they are practicing the election campaign.


Reasons why BJP will not win Election 2024 with a bang they could have


1. Lose talk by Narendra Modi

If anyone has noticed, Narendra Modi has started to do lose talk about Congress and specifically the Gandhi family and Rahul Gandhi which does not suit the tone and language of a prime minister. Modi has repeatedly targeted Rahul Gandhi, his words and has imitated him using foul language.


2. Is baar 400 paar – that backfired

People of India have started to give a thought to BJP’s slogan of them crossing 400 Lok Sabha seats in Election 2024 which did not come across healthy enough to specially the young voters of India. Voters are intelligent and they do want the presence of a healthy number of opposition seats in the Parliament. Earlier, nobody would have thought about this fact but it is BJP campaign that highlighted this fact among the voters minds and hence, now it has backfired. They do not want to give 400+ seats to any party for that fact which is why, now many young voters have decided to vote for other Indian parties such as AAP, Congress, etc. Had the BJP not used the slogan of 400 paar, there could have been chances of them winning more seats but now, everybody is thinking I want opposition in the parliament, which is why accidentally, BJP will have lesser seats in election 2024 – Reasons why BJP will not win Election 2024 with a bang they could have.


3. Freezing Congress bank accounts right before election campaign

People who even supported BJP are now angry at the actions of BJP of freezing Congress’s bank accounts right before the election 2024 campaigns were to start claiming Congress had to pay some taxes from 1980’s or early 2000’s. Now, this is clearly unfair. Even a blind person can tell that this was an intentional move by the Modi government of India. This clearly points out towards a dictator mindset in a democracy and people obviously do not want to support anything that goes against the ideology of a democracy. This move of BJP and Modi government has backfired them which will definitely result in BJP winning less seats in election 2024. This is one of the strongest reasons why BJP will not win election 2024 the way they should have.

Source: Business Standard


4. Arresting New Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal

We all know that AAP has definitely done the liquor scam. Had there been no scam, AAP wouldn’t had to cancel the liquor policy. Now, we also know that the Supreme Court had sent 8 notices to Arvind Kejriwal to which he refused and never showed up at the court which is also unfair. But, arresting a chief minister that too of the country’s capital city, right before the elections is scandalous in itself and shows the dictator mindset of BJP. If Modi government really had to arrest Delhi CM, they ethically should have waited for the elections to get over with.


5. Electoral Bond scam

Thousands of crores of scam has been done by BJP and Modi government that too very smartly using a proper bill that they got passed in the Parliament. What came to notice was in the SBI report of electoral bonds was that whosoever had donated money to other non-BJP parties, they got ED notices. And after few months, the same companies donated huge amounts of charity to BJP and their ED cases got shut. This is how BJP extorts money from big companies. In fact, there are several companies who made losses in the financial year but donated 100 crores to BJP which is out of our mind. The way BJP has made thousands of crores of money using electoral bonds, has caused severe damage to people’s trust in Modi and this is another Reason why BJP will not win Election 2024.


5 reasons why BJP will not win election 2024


Modi government’s attitude is not really appreciated by lot of people. Also, Amit Shah and Modi have been openly lying about facts and figures. For instance, they said Congress will steal poor people’s jewellery (mangalsutra) and cows — does this kind of little and lose talk suits the image of a PM? Also, how BJP is so focused on religion based politics does not suit a secular country like India. Hindu Muslim fights will only end once the politics on religion is stopped which can only happen when one stops discussing about it. Religion is man made and every human is same and came to the world from the same source.


BJP should learn its lessons and behave like the party that they used to be but because of all these reasons, it likely that BJP will lose the election 2024.

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