Friday, September 20

Most authentic hair loss treatment at home without any products

Hair loss can happen to any of us. There can be several reasons behind hair loss such as poor lifestyle, poor diet, hard water, genes, weather, pollution and etc. Mostly hair loss happens to men as they age. Women as well experience hair loss but it is more common among men specially in India.


We are writing this article to explain you the most authentic hair loss treatment at home and that too, without using any products. It must be sounding weird to the readers but we are serious and so is this article on hair loss treatment. Let’s dive into it below.


Most authentic hair loss treatment at home without any products


Ever heard of mind power? Or law of attraction? Or manifestation? Well, this is exactly what we would like you to start thinking about and maybe a little research on the topic could shed more light on how it works. If you are experiencing hair loss, believe us that you can simply reverse the cycle and get proper hair back by meditating about it and by intentionally creating thoughts in your mind that “I have a head full of thick hair and thank you Universe for blessing me with such beautiful hair”.


We know you might be thinking that this sounds shady but, in actuality, it is not and it the power of mind. Our mind and our thoughts create the reality and we are not even aware about it. The universe and god has given every human being one mind that gives us the power to create a life that we would like to live in but not many people are aware of the beauty of our magic mind. If you are experiencing hair loss, simply meditate morning and night just for 5 minutes and visualise yourself having proper, full and thick hair. Do it repeatedly and do not doubt this exercise. You have to allow your subconscious mind to have faith in this statement and gradually, your subconscious mind will automatically reprogram your hair loss worry to a new program that you have a head full of hair and soon, you will start to see the magic and you will start getting your hair back.


There are lot of science research journals that support law of attraction, but here, our writer Aman is talking from his personal experience. London’s water is extremely hard. South East London zone 1 or SE1 has approximately 372 units of water hardness on a scale of 0-500 where 500 signifies extremely hard water. 372 is a bad number when it comes to test water hardness and this led to Aman losing a lot of hair. What helped? Intentional thinking of getting the hair back and Aman manifested it with his intentional thoughts. And so can you.


Rather than experimenting using harsh hair loss treatments and products on your poor scalp, try manifesting regaining hair at no cost, without using any products, that too at home. 

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