Friday, September 20

Benefits of dinner before sunset that are life changing

In recent years, with new technology and modernisation, our lifestyle has gone for a toss that is causing huge invisible stress and damage to the human civilisation and this is something that we do not even realise simply because we are lost and busy in our everyday life. So many people have bad eating habits followed by bad eating timings and this is not good. Our forefathers and great great grandfathers used to believe in benefits of dinner before sunset but today, as we are sitting in 2024, there is no such rule of eating dinner before the sunset.


As per Sadhguru and Hindu shastras, our body is in a hibernation and relaxation mode after the sunset. They say while the sun is out, there is a fire or agni that takes place within our body that aids digestion and processing the food. As sunsets, this fire or agni stops and hence, if you eat anything after the sunset, that food won’t get digested and instead will turn into fat. Also, during the hours after sunset when it is time for our body organs to relax and sleep, by eating dinner during odd hours, we are adding further stress and making our organs overwork throughout the night. This is not good and when we wake up, again we eat some food and again the body organs are at work which means we literally did not give any time to the organs to rest.


Benefits of dinner before sunset that are life changing


1. Weight Loss

One of the best benefits of dinner before sunset is you will end up losing extra weight from your body. The fat on your face, belly, sides and chest will start to go back to normal as it should be. One of the reasons of weight gain specially among us as Indians is eating meals at night and then crashing in bed. Now clearly, while you are asleep, your stomach is trying to process the food. It will process some of it while the rest of it turns into fat and gets stored in the body around face, stomach, sides and chest. If you are serious for weight loss, all the more you must not eat dinner after sunset.


2. Spiritual Alignment

I am writing this article on benefits of dinner before sunset because I am practicing it at the moment and trust me, it has changed my life. I am feeling positive, my aura and vibration has increased and usually, I find myself with a smile everyday and every time. I have started to connect with my mind and the Universe beautifully and somehow, it is my discipline of eating dinner before sunset and sticking to it is one of the reasons why I am feeling so spiritually high.


3. Glow on the face

This is obvious, if you stick to food discipline, your body feels happy and it starts to show results. One of it is a big glow on your face and I can see it on mine as well.


4. Staying away from diseases

Most of the diseases and illnesses begin with the stomach and the kind of food we consume and if you stop eating dinner after sunset, you will do yourself a big favour by staying away from most of the human diseases and this is also one of the biggest benefits of dinner before sunset.


5. High on energy

Everything changes once you start eating dinner before sunset. They say the sun is our lord and if we respect that, he will give us respect back. I am so high on physical and mental energy all day everyday since I have started to eat dinner before sunset. I had not imagined that those low emotions I used to feel about life in general have simply gone away and that I am so high on energy now.


There is no harm in trying to stick to your food discipline and I would highly recommend you to try it for 7 days and you will yourself experience the biggest benefits of dinner before sunset.

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